# Commands

This section gives an overview of the commands available from palomad, the command line interface that connects a running palomad process. To view all optional flags associated with each command use the palomad help command.

# comet

CometBFT (opens new window) subcommands.

# unsafe-reset-all

Removes the blockchain data, removes address book files, and resets data/priv_validator_state.json to the genesis state.


palomad comet unsafe-reset-all

Use the help function to get more details on the following CometBFT sub-commands.

  • bootstrap-state Bootstraps CometBFT state at an arbitrary block height using a light client
  • reset-state Remove all the data and WAL
  • show-address Shows this node's CometBFT validator consensus address
  • show-node-id Show this node's ID
  • show-validator Show this node's CometBFT validator info
  • version Print CometBFT libraries' version

# completion

Generates the autocompletion script for palomad for the specified shell. See each sub-command's help for details on how to use the generated script.

  • bash Generate the autocompletion script for bash
  • fish Generate the autocompletion script for fish
  • powershell Generate the autocompletion script for powershell
  • zsh Generate the autocompletion script for zsh

# config

Commands for managing application configuration.

# set

Sets an application config value. Available config values to set are node, chain-id, output and broadcast-mode.


palomad config set client node <rpc endpoint>
palomad config set client chain-id <chain-id>
palomad config set client output <text|json>
palomad config set client broadcast-mode <sync|async>

# get

Prints the config value for a specific config.


palomad config get client node
palomad config get client chain-id
palomad config get client output
palomad config get client broadcast-mode

# debug

Tool for helping with debugging your application.

# debug addr

Changes an address from hex encoding to bech32.


palomad debug addr <address>


palomad debug addr paloma14h2od5f3vahd28uywwvt8sqbi52upnzagshtrm

# debug pubkey

Decodes a pubkey from proto JSON and displays the address.


palomad debug pubkey <pubkey>


palomad debug pubkey '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"AurroA7jvfPd1AadmmOvWM2rJSwipXfRf8yD6pLbA2DJ"}'

# debug raw-bytes

Changes raw bytes to hex.


palomad debug raw-bytes <raw-bytes>


palomad debug raw-bytes [72 101 108 108 111 44 32 112 108 97 121 103 114 111 117 110 100]

# export

Exports the state to JSON.


palomad export

# genesis

Application's genesis-related subcommands.

# add-genesis-account

Adds a genesis account to genesis.json.


palomad genesis add-genesis-account <address-or-key-name> <amount><coin-denominator>


palomad genesis add-genesis-account acc1 200000000ugrain

# collect-gentxs

Collects genesis transactions and outputs them to genesis.json.


palomad genesis collect-gentxs

# gentx

Adds a genesis transaction to genesis.json.


palomad genesis gentx <key-name> <amount><coin-denominator>


palomad genesis gentx myKey 1000000ugrain --home=/path/to/home/dir --keyring-backend=os --chain-id=test-chain-1 \
    --moniker="myValidator" \
    --commission-max-change-rate=0.01 \
    --commission-max-rate=1.0 \
    --commission-rate=0.07 \
    --details="..." \
    --security-contact="..." \

# migrate

Migrates the source genesis into the target version and prints to STDOUT.


palomad genesis migrate <path-to-genesis-file>


palomad migrate /genesis.json --chain-id=paloma-testnet-17 --genesis-time=2024-06-26T17:00:00Z --initial-height=4000

# validate

Validates the genesis file at the default location or at the location specified.


palomad genesis validate </path-to-file>

# help

Shows help information about any palomad command.


palomad help

To get more details on a specific command append help to the command you're looking for. E.g.

palomad tx help

# init

Initializes the configuration files for a validator and a node.


palomad init <moniker>

# keys

Manages Keyring commands. For a list of syntax and subcommands, see the keys subcommands.

# prune

Prune app history states by keeping the recent heights and deleting old heights


palomad prune [pruning-method] [flags]


prune custom --pruning-keep-recent 100 --app-db-backend 'goleveldb'

# query

Querying subcommands. For a list of syntax and subcommands, see the query subcommands.

# rollback

Rolls back Cosmos SDK and CometBFT state by one height.


palomad rollback

# snapshots

Manages local snapshots. Available subcommands are

  • delete Delete a local snapshot
  • dump Dump the snapshot as portable archive format
  • export Export app state to snapshot store
  • list List local snapshots
  • load Load a snapshot archive file (.tar.gz) into snapshot store
  • restore Restore app state from local snapshot

# start

Runs the full node application with Tendermint in or out of process. By default, the application runs with Tendermint in process.


palomad start

# status

Displays the status of a remote node.


palomad status

# testnet

Subcommands for starting or configuring local testnets.

# init-files

Initialize config directories & files for a multi-validator testnet running locally.


palomad testnet init-files

# start

Launch an in-process multi-validator testnet


palomad testnet init-files

# tx

Transaction subcommands. For a list of syntax and subcommands, see the tx subcommands.

# version

Returns the version of Paloma you're running. Append the option --long flag to confirm that your version is using the correct commit hash.


palomad version --long