# tx subcommands

# bank send

Sends coins from one account to another account.


palomad tx bank send \
    <from-key-or-address> \
    <to-address> \
    <coins> \
    --<chain-id> \


  • <from-key-or-address> is either the key name or the address. If the --generate-only flag is used, only addresses are accepted.
  • to-address is an account address.
  • <coins> is a comma-separated list of coins specified as <amount><coin-denominator>. For example, 1000usdr or 1000uGRAIN,1000usdr.


palomad tx bank send \
    paloma15h6vd5f0wqps26zjlwrc6chah08ryu4hzzdwhc \
    paloma14h2od5f3vahd28uywwvt8sqbi52upnzagshtrm \
    8600000ugrain \
    --paloma-testnet-17 \

# distribution fund-community-pool

Funds the community pool with the specified amount.


palomad tx distribution fund-community-pool <amount>

Example palomad tx distribution fund-community-pool 100uGRAIN

# distribution set-withdraw-addr

Changes the default withdrawal address for rewards associated with an address.


palomad tx distribution set-withdraw-addr <withdrawal-address>


palomad tx distribution set-withdraw-addr paloma13a8ddv3h7kbcn73akcbpe7ueks22vaolewpaxmb

# distribution withdraw-all-rewards

Withdraws all rewards.


palomad tx distribution withdraw-all-rewards

# distribution withdraw-rewards

Withdraws your rewards against a validator.


palomad tx distribution withdraw-rewards <validator-address>


palomad tx distribution withdraw-rewards paloma19t4gde4f8ndwx67qhbnur9yqdc31xznpksajbcy

# evm remove-smart-contract-deployment

Removes a smart contract deployment that is stuck. When a pending smart contract deployment is removed, a new deployment attempt will be triggered.


palomad tx evm remove-smart-contract-deployment <smart contract id> <chain reference id>


palomad tx evm remove-smart-contract-deployment 4 eth-main

# feegrant grant

Grants a fee allowance to an address. Note that the --from flag is ignored as it is implied by the granter


palomad tx feegrant grant <granter_key_or_address> <grantee>

# feegrant prune

Prunes up to 75 expired allowances in order to reduce the size of the store when the number of expired allowances is large.


palomad tx feegrant prune

# feegrant revoke

Revoke a fee grant from a granter to a grantee. Note, the '--from' flag is ignored as it is implied from the granter.


palomad tx feegrant revoke <granter_key_or_address> <grantee>

# gov cancel-proposal

Cancels governance proposal before the voting period ends. Must be signed by the proposal creator.


palomad tx gov cancel-proposal <proposal-id>

# gov deposit

For a proposal to be sent to the network, the amount deposited must be above a minimum amount specified by minDeposit (initial value is 50000000uGRAIN). If the proposal you previously created didn't meet this requirement, you can still increase the total amount deposited to activate it. After the minimum deposit is reached, the voting period for the proposal begins.


palomad tx gov deposit <proposal-id> "<deposit-amount>" \
    --from=<name> \


palomad tx gov deposit 15 "10000000ugrain" \
    --from=paloma13a8ddv3h7kbcn73akcbpe7ueks22vaolewpaxmb \


Proposals that don't meet this requirement are deleted after MaxDepositPeriod is reached.

# gov submit-legacy-proposal

Submits proposals and deposits. To create a governance proposal, you must submit an initial deposit along with a title and description of your proposal. Alternatively, you can provide the proposal directly through the --proposal flag, which points to a JSON file containing the proposal.

# Text proposals


palomad tx gov submit-legacy-proposal \
    --title=<title> \
    --description=<description> \
    --type="Text" \
    --deposit="<amount>" \
    --from=<name-or-address> \


palomad tx gov submit-legacy-proposal \
    --title=Funding for NFT platform \
    --description=Information about the NFT platform \
    --type="Text" \
    --deposit="100000ugrain" \
    --from=paloma13a8ddv3h7kbcn73akcbpe7ueks22vaolewpaxmb \

# Parameter-change proposals

When you submit a proposal to change a parameter, it is recommended that you send the proposal as a JSON file.


palomad tx gov submit-legacy-proposal \
    param-change <path/to/proposal.json> \
    --from=<name> \


palomad tx gov submit-legacy-proposal \
    param-change /proposals/proposal.json \
    --from=paloma13a8ddv3h7kbcn73akcbpe7ueks22vaolewpaxmb \

where proposal.json contains the following information:

  "title": "Param Change",
  "description": "Update max validators",
  "changes": [
      "subspace": "staking",
      "key": "MaxValidators",
      "value": 105
  "deposit": [
      "denom": "ugrain",
      "amount": "10000000"


Because parameter changes are evaluated but not validated, ensure that new value you propose is valid for its parameter. For example, the proposed value for MaxValidators must be an integer, not a decimal.

# Community pool spend proposal

When you submit a community pool spend proposal, it is recommended that you send the proposal as a JSON file.


palomad tx gov submit-legacy-proposal \
    community-pool-spend <path/to/proposal.json> \
    --from=<name> \


palomad tx gov submit-legacy-proposal \
    community-pool-spend /proposals/proposal.json \
    --from=paloma13a8ddv3h7kbcn73akcbpe7ueks22vaolewpaxmb \

where proposal.json contains the following information:

  "title": "Community Pool Spend",
  "description": "Pay me some GRAINs!",
  "recipient": "paloma1s5afhd6gxevu37mkqcvvsj8qeylhn0rzn7cdaq",
  "amount": [
      "denom": "ugrain",
      "amount": "10000"
  "deposit": [
      "denom": "ugrain",
      "amount": "10000"

# gov submit-legacy-proposal evm change-min-on-chain-balance


palomad tx gov submit-legacy-proposal evm change-min-on-chain-balance <chain-reference-id> <balance>


palomad tx gov submit-legacy-proposal evm change-min-on-chain-balance eth-main 50000000

# gov submit-legacy-proposal evm propose-chain-removal

Proposal to remove an existing EVM chain from Paloma.


palomad tx gov submit-legacy-proposal evm propose-chain-removal <chain-reference-id>

# gov submit-legacy-proposal evm propose-new-chain

Proposal to add a new EVM chain.


palomad tx gov submit-legacy-proposal evm propose-new-chain <chain-reference-id> <chain-id> <min-on-chain-balance> <block-height> <block-hash-at-height>


palomad tx gov submit-legacy-proposal evm propose-new-chain blast-main 81457 5000000 251462 0xf5ce8b11e5ff01cbb989748c77cbf71378ab23df5fa6e2fe7657b8f024de76f1

# gov submit-legacy-proposal evm propose-new-smart-contract

Proposal to deploy a new compass contract to all deployed target chains.


palomad tx gov submit-legacy-proposal evm propose-new-smart-contract '[JSON ABI BLOB]' [HEX BLOB]

# gov submit-legacy-proposal evm propose-relay-weights

Changes the relay weights for a given EVM chain referenced by the chain-reference-id.


palomad tx gov submit-legacy-proposal evm propose-relay-weights <chain-reference-id> <weights>


palomad tx gov submit-legacy-proposal evm propose-relay-weights eth-main {"fee": "0.50", "uptime": "0.75", "successRate": "0.90", "executionTime": "0.20", "featureSet": "0.95"}

# gov submit-legacy-proposal evm set-fee-manager-address

Changes the fee manager contract address for a given EVM chain referenced by the chain-reference-id


palomad tx gov submit-legacy-proposal evm set-fee-manager-address <chain-reference-id> <fee manager contract address>


palomad tx gov submit-legacy-proposal evm set-fee-manager-address arbitrum-main \

# gov submit-legacy-proposal paloma propose-light-node-client-feegranter

Proposal to set new feegranter account for light node clients.


palomad tx gov submit-legacy-proposal paloma propose-light-node-client-feegranter <account>

# gov submit-legacy-proposal paloma propose-light-node-client-funders

Proposal to set new funder accounts for light node clients.


palomad tx gov submit-legacy-proposal paloma propose-light-node-client-funders --funder-accounts <account>

# gov submit-legacy-proposal skyway set-bridge-transfer-limit

Proposal to set the skyway Brige transfer limit for the specified token denom. limit-period must be one of: NONE, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLY. Setting it to NONE effectively disables the limit.
limit-period will be converted to a block window. At most, limit tokens can be transferred within each block window. After that transfers will fail.


palomad tx gov submit-legacy-proposal skyway set-bridge-transfer-limit <token-denom> <limit> <limit-period>


set-bridge-transfer-limit ugrain 1000000 DAILY

# gov submit-legacy-proposal skyway set-bridge-tax

Proposal to set the skyway brige tax for a specific token denom. Each outgoing transfer from Paloma will pay a tax. Tax amount is calculated using tax-rate, which must be non-negative. The tax rate is defined as ratio not as percentage. E.g. for a 20% tax it is defined as 0.2 in the proposal.


palomad tx gov submit-legacy-proposal skyway set-bridge-tax <token-denom> <tax-rate> 


palomad tx gov submit-legacy-proposal skyway set-bridge-tax ugrain 0.2

# gov submit-legacy-proposal skyway set-erc20-to-denom

Proposal to set an association between a denom and a deployed ERC-20 token for a given chain


palomad tx gov submit-legacy-proposal skyway set-erc20-to-denom <chain-reference-id> <token-denom> <erc20 address>


palomad tx gov submit-legacy-proposal skyway set-erc20-to-denom "arbitrum-main" \
  "ugrain" \
  "0xea45aa071f12518853cFB9f340bB0b209a7931e3" \
  --title "Set Gnosis ERC20 to uGRAIN Denom" \
  --summary "Set ERC20 deployed on Gnosis to uGRAIN Denom" \
  --deposit 10000000ugrain

# gov submit-legacy-proposal treasury propose-community-fund-fee

Proposal to change the community fund fee. The fee is denoted as a fraction - e.g. 0.1 for 10%.


palomad tx gov submit-legacy-proposal treasury propose-community-fund-fee <fee>

# gov submit-legacy-proposal treasury propose-security-fee

Proposal to change the security fee. The fee is denoted as a fraction - e.g. 0.1 for 10%.


palomad tx gov submit-legacy-proposal treasury propose-security-fee <fee>

# gov vote

After a proposal's deposit reaches the MinDeposit value, the voting period begins, and bonded GRAIN holders can vote.


palomad tx gov vote \
    <proposal-id> <vote-type> \
    --from=<name> \


palomad tx gov vote \
    7 yes \
    --from=paloma13a8ddv3h7kbcn73akcbpe7ueks22vaolewpaxmb \

# skyway cancel-tx

Removes an entry from the transaction pool, preventing your tokens from going to the target chain and refunding the send.


palomad tx skyway cancel-tx <transaction id>

# skyway send-tx

Adds a new entry to the transaction pool to withdraw an amount from the EVM bridge contract. This will not execute until a batch is requested and then actually relayed. Your funds can be reclaimed using cancel-tx so long as they remain in the pool


palomad tx skyway send-tx \
  <destination address> <amount> <chain-reference-id>


palomad tx skyway send-tx \
  0xd80fc91e72505e61bf07f189190b087651713000 \
  10000000ugrain \

# scheduler create-job

Creates a new job


palomad tx scheduler create-job --job-id <job-id> --chain-type <chain-type> --chain-ref-id <chain-reference-id> --definition <path to definition json> --payload <path to payload json> --payload-modifiable <boolean>


palomad tx scheduler create-job \
  --job-id example-job \
  --chain-type evm \
  --chain-ref-id gnosis-main \
  --definition home/definition.json \
  --payload home/payload.json \

# scheduler execute-job

Executes an existing job given a job id and and an optional payload file. Payload format must match the job's payload format. E.g. you can't put payload in the CosmWasm type while the job is for the EVM chain. If the job doesn't support payload modification, the transaction will fail. If the message creator is not allowed to execute the job, the transaction will fail.


palomad tx scheduler execute-job <job-id> --payload <payload.json>

# slashing unjail

Releases a jailed validator.


palomad tx slashing unjail


palomad tx slashing unjail

# staking create-validator

Creates a new validator that is initialized with a self-delegation.


palomad tx staking create-validator \
    --amount=<ugrain-amount> \
    --pubkey=$(palomad tendermint show-validator) \
    --moniker="<moniker>" \
    --website="<validator-website>" \
    --identity="<keybase-identity>" \
    --details="<validator-optional-details" \
    --commission-rate="<commission-rate>" \
    --commission-max-rate="<commission-max-rate>" \
    --commission-max-change-rate="<commission-max-change-rate>" \
    --chain-id=<chain-ID> \
    --from=<key-name> \

# staking delegate

Delegates an amount of liquid coins from your wallet to a validator.


palomad tx staking delegate <validator-address> <amount>


palomad tx staking delegate Palomavaloper1l2rsakp388kuv9k8qzq6lrm9taddae7fpx59wm 2500stake

# staking edit-validator

Edits an existing validator account.


palomad tx staking edit-validator \
    --moniker="<moniker>" \
    --details="<validator-optional-details>" \
    --commission-rate="commission-rate>" \
    --min-self-delegation="<minimum-self-delegation-amount" \

# staking redelegate

Redelegates an amount of illiquid staking tokens from one validator to a different validator.


palomad tx staking redelegate <from-validator-address> <to-validator-address> <amount>


palomad tx staking redelegate Palomavaloper1gghjut3ccd8ay0zduzj64hwre2fxs9ldmqhffj Palomavaloper1l2rsakp388kuv9k8qzq6lrm9taddae7fpx59wm 350stake

# staking unbond

Unbonds an amount of bonded shares from a validator.


palomad tx staking unbond <validator-address> <stake-amount>


palomad tx staking unbond Palomavaloper1gghjut3ccd8ay0zduzj64hwre2fxs9ldmqhffj 600stake

# treasury upsert-relayer-fee

Sets the relayer fee for the message relayer to the given multiplicator value for a specific chain. The multiplicator determines the total fee a relayer may claim based on the total cost of a relayed transaction. In order to aim for an even reimbursement, the multiplicator value must be 1. To make a profit, the multiplicator value must be higher than 1.

Example: Using a fee multiplicator value of 1.1 entitles the relayer to a claimable reimbursement of 11COIN for a transaction relayed totalling in 10COIN of gas.


palomad tx treasury upsert-relayer-fee <chain-reference-id> <fee-multiplicator>


palomad tx treasury upsert-relayer-fee eth-main 1.05

# upgrade software-upgrade

Proposal for a software upgrade. The upgrade height should be chosen to be be hit after the proposal has passed. If the upgrade height is reached before the voting end time of the proposal, the proposal will fail.


palomad tx upgrade software-upgrade <name> \
    --title=<title> \
    --description=<description> \
    --upgrade-height=<block-height> \
    --upgrade-info=<binary-details> \
    --type="Text" \
    --deposit="<amount>" \
    --from=<name-or-address> \


palomad tx upgrade software-upgrade v1.12.1 \
    --title="Upgrade to v1.12.1" \
    --description="let's upgrade to v1.12.1" \
    --upgrade-height=200043 \
    --upgrade-info='{"binaries":{"linux/amd64":"https://github.com/palomachain/paloma/releases/download/v1.12.1/paloma_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz"}}' \
    --type="Text" \
    --deposit="10000000ugrain" \
    --from=paloma13a8ddv3h7kbcn73akcbpe7ueks22vaolewpaxmb \

# wasm clear-admin

Removes the contract admin so that the contract cannot be migrated.


palomad tx wasm clear-admin <contract-address>

# wasm execute

Invokes processing functions on the smart contract.


palomad tx wasm execute <contract-address> <handle-msg> <coins>

Where <handle-msg> is a raw JSON string containing the HandleMsg that is parsed and routed to the correct message handling logic in the contract, and <coins> is the optional amount of coins specified in a comma-separated list that you want to send with your message, in case the logic requires some fees.

# wasm instantiate

Creates a new contract by referencing the code ID of a contract that has been uploaded.


palomad tx wasm instantiate <code-id> <init-msg> <coins>

where <init-msg> is a JSON string containing the InitMsg to initialize your contract's state, and <coins> is the optional amount of coins specified in a comma-separated list that you want to send to the new contract account.


palomad tx wasm instantiate 1 '{"arbiter": "Paloma~~"}' "1000000uGRAIN"

# wasm migrate

Updates the code ID of the contract to migrate to a new code ID. This command can be issued only from the key corresponding to the contract's owner.


palomad tx wasm migrate <contract-address> <new-code-id> <migrate-msg>


palomad tx wasm migrate Paloma... 10 '{"verifier": "Paloma..."}'

# wasm store

Uploads a new WASM binary or migrates to existing binary to the paloma-testnet-17 release.

Syntax for a new WASM binary

palomad tx wasm store <path-to-wasm-file>

where <path-to-wasm-file> is the path of a file that is the compiled binary of the smart contract code that you want to upload.

# wasm update-admin

Updates a contract owner to a new address. This command can be issued only from the key corresponding to the contract's owner.


palomad tx wasm update-admin <contract-address> <new-owner>